Are you making this mistake when it comes to trust?

To trust someone enough that you can show up as the real you, you have to not only consciously build the trust, you have to take responsibility for picking the right person. Whether you're showing up in a shame storm, or so angry you could scream, you want to trust you’re fully met. The last thing you want to happen after you dare speak your truth, or show your messy, uncomfortable realness, is being judged.

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4 Steps for Creating Strong Boundaries for Success

When you reprogram your boundaries, you regain your strength and tap into your flow. Strengthen your boundaries using these four fundamental steps so you can begin to develop stronger boundaries. The more you learn how to identify the behavior, the better you get at recognizing it just as it happens. You are learning how to walk on from the first step, and practice makes perfect.

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Your Super Simple Antidote to Burnout

My client, Dr. Yona Yaniv, is one of Israel’s top orthopedic hand surgeons. She’s in high demand for her work and carries huge responsibilities. Her job is skilled, intricate and highly pressured. One of the things I've taught her is to let go of that control she needs to have as a surgeon and to connect again with her feelings and femininity, for emotional softening and availability.

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Conflict Doesn't Need to End in Tears

Have you ever snapped at your kids or partner… then spent all night regretting it? Or hit back verbally at someone in immediate defense, then wished you could turn back time? The sabrosura is extremely important for our happiness and our relationships… we can soften enough to defuse conflict and transform it into a whole other, richer place. Instead of meeting fire with fire, we can remain intentional and lead through softness that flows like water and calms it down...

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Your Integrity is Your Internal Compass to Success

Looking back now, it’s one of the greatest lessons he taught me - keeping your integrity is vital if you want to stand tall, look yourself in the eye, and be successful. I've lived by these values of honesty and integrity for many years. They were modeled for me and instilled in me by my dad. What I once thought was a failure on his part, is now echoed in everything I do, who I am, and is an integral part of my success. Thank you, dad.

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Reaching Peak Performance by Optimizing Your Somatics

Somatic blocks limit our peak performance, much-of-the-time without leaders and high-achievers even ever really knowing it. Resulting in at times feeling stress or frustration. Over the years I've discovered that when top performers come to me they have often minimized what they are facing deep inside because on the surface things can look great. Some of them are living their dream lives, while others have a specific area they need help with...

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Emotional Anchors for Times of Turbulence

In some cultures, many people view pride as a negative thing. But it’s because pride is sometimes mixed with arrogance. Pure pride is just a GOOD FEELING we have about something that we have achieved, whom we have become, or being proud of someone we love. When everything falls apart in our lives - we have this to hold on to!

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Contemplation = Space = Renewal = Creativity

It’s a simple way to connect to your inner self and physically find enjoyment in the small things. When you slow down for a moment in the midst of all your activities and experience simple pleasures, in fact, practicing the mystery and awe of life. You’re practicing loving yourself. When you have that space for contemplation, you create space inside yourself. It’s a wonderful sense of renewal—and in that space is where creativity is born.

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Should I seduce and flirt at work?

When you go into a business meeting, your intention should be business. When you go into a date, your intention should be romantic and can include seduction and flirting. Make sure you are not trying to manipulate the situation by using your sexual powers. It sends the wrong message. Stay elegant and classy in your behavior. Charming in a nonsexual way is a form of connecting that can motivate others and give you more influence power.

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Can you learn to love your mistakes?

When you’re gentle with yourself, your heart softens up. You reach so much deeper, and as a result, you actually find insights into those areas in your life that need healing. And in healing our hearts, we remain in alignment with our core, our soul, our true selves. We become fully present, rather than absent. If you don’t first have compassion for yourself, how can you show true compassion towards others?

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‘No’ that means ‘maybe’ and #MeToo

If you come to take something away from someone, of course they will feel robbed by you. But if you’ll come to give or share, then your intention will be very powerful. You should always aim to leave a person that you are interested in, in the same emotional place or better off.

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Why is Somatic Intelligence Important?

We need hope to be happy and to feel a certain magic. Life is meant to be lived with a little 'je ne sais quoi'... Nowadays there are many women in business that don't know how to soften up and show their vulnerable intimate side anymore. But we must not lose touch with this part because we were always the balancing force in the equation.

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Feeling Herself: Body Language as a Mirror Into the Self

Our body language communicates a lot louder than we are really aware of. When we let our thoughts express through our body, we form a new reality of communication and dialogue, for better and for worse.

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