The grief keeping men stuck


In a recent interview with the brilliant Nicholas Janni, a world-class speaker, transformational coach, and workshop conductor (and one of my personal mentors), we talked about the culture of absence and creating a safe space for men to feel.

You see, we are all living in disconnection from our bodies and our emotions to some degree. For most of us, our thinking mind dominates our daily lives and actions.

Problem is, we can’t think our way to healing.

When we don’t feel the world, we don’t feel one another. This lack of empathy keeps us separated and numb.

This numbness allows the collective somatic trauma to be passed to the next generation. What women seek in men is a safe space to touch the anger they have been carrying inside for centuries. We can’t deepen into these vulnerable layers without the safety of healed masculine energy.

When women feel safe enough to access their depths and feel received and honoured by a man, it is an extremely powerful and healing experience.

Men desire to feel safe enough to be met in their grief.

Most men carry a deep sadness of not being accepted by their family, not being allowed to show or feel emotions, and not feeling secure in their place in the world.

When men feel safe enough to let that grief be seen, it opens a potent gate to a deeper connection with themselves and others.

To be truly felt by another human being is the ultimate act of love.

Embodied women create a safe space for men to release unprocessed emotions, offer permission to feel unconditionally, and meet sadness and grief with love and compassion.

Men want to be able to lay down their guard and surrender into the emotions they have been holding back their entire lives. They need to get lost in the softness of the divine feminine.

Men and women need each other to heal the wounds and the world.

There can be no divine masculine without the divine feminine.

With balance comes acceptance. With acceptance grows connection. With connection blooms unconditional love.

That is the ultimate goal in life, isn’t it?