Join Chen on Monday, September 16 at 1:30 PM EST/ 6:30 PM UK, for the first session of the Monthly Somatic Healing Circle.
An open space for anyone to learn more about and experience the power of somatic healing while becoming a part of our beautiful, supportive community. A space where you feel like you truly belong and can bring your whole true self. 🌹
And it’s FREE. 💗
Maybe you are curious about somatics, and either just joined us or have been following me for a while and have not yet experienced our powerful programs, and you’d like to dip your toe into somatic healing practices…without pressure, expectation, or commitment.
Maybe you have been working with us for a while and would absolutely appreciate additional somatic healing sessions (for free!) to deepen your own practice, get witnessed more often, and get the chance to be part of building this intimate community and supporting others on their journey.
Open to all, whether you’re a beloved client or a new friend, this space is designed with you in mind and is completely free of charge.